Group of kids in opti boat with instructor.

CANSail 3 & 4

Register for CANSail 3 & 4

requires completion of CANSail 2

This program is designed for sailors who are interested in learning and
refining their racing skills in Optimists and 420 RAD boats. 

Register Now

Our CANSail 3 & 4 program provides instruction for the intermediate-level sailor. Sailors are exposed to a greater variety of conditions as well as basic tactics and strategies. Sailors will be introduced to racing through competitive settings such as club races and local regattas.


There are two boat options at this level - the Optimist, and the 420 RAD. 

3/4 Opti

This program requires an interest in learning how to race an Optimist! Sailors receive an introduction to racing that includes boat handling, equipment, tactics, and strategy. Coaches will cover introductory racing on and off the water. Sailors will have the option of traveling to regattas with a focus on local events. Green Fleet racing is widely known for offering sailors a positive race experience without the pressure. The goal of this program is to introduce racing but to also have a lot of fun! Club boats are limited, so boat ownership is encouraged but not required. 

3/4 420 

Designed for sailors who have completed CANSail 1&2 420 RAD. This class will introduce and refine racing skills, advanced boat handling, introduction to trapeze and spinnaker, tactics and strategy, and sportsmanship. This is a developmental program that bridges the gap between CANSail 1&2 420 RAD and the 420 Race Team. 


This program is offered in two-week sessions. Each program runs Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m for both weeks. Here are the session dates for 2024:


2024 Session Dates
July 1st to 12th
July 15th to 26th
July 29th to August 9th
August 12th to 23rd 



Cost for Participants

Fees Description
$630 Program fee for each two-week session (includes use of HSC boat)
$30 CANSail participation fee (one-time, per participant, per year)
$50 Annual HSC Junior Membership fee. 


Additional Information:

  • Bringing your own Opti? Deduct $50 per session.
  • Planning to participate in regattas? Add the Sail Canada Membership fee - $42