Our motto is “Teaching Life Skills Through Sailing”.
Not only do we produce high quality, competitive athletes, we also focus on the development of each individual
sailor as they become young adults. There is a sense of community and belonging that makes HSC unique. As the
Head Coach you are responsible for mentoring sailors and other coaches as they develop. The successful applicant
must be a role model for youth and represent HSC in the greater sailing community.
We are seeking a dedicated and enthusiastic individual with a passion for both sailing and working with young
people. Successful applicants will require strong communication and organizational skills. HSC delivers the CANSail
program from Wetfeet to CanSail 6. Our busiest weeks will see upwards of 80 sailors at the club and 12 coaches on
Reports to: Learn to Sail Director
Sailing season:
- Spring, May & June (full time)
- Summer, July & August (full time)
- Fall, September & October (opportunity for part time)